How is Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana Going to Benefit the People?
House is one of the basic needs of humans, and with the increasing population, this necessity is being compromised by many people. Some can’t afford it and some can’t get it. The government is looking forward to providing the urban poor people who cannot afford a house for living. According to what they have initiated, about 20 million affordable houses with being built till 2021. The government is not just focusing on the urban poor, they have two components in pradhan mantra wasyojna one is the PMAY-U, which is for the urban poor people and the other one is the PMAY-G or PMAY-R, which is for the rural poor.
In collaboration with what the government has started to plan my property has also started something of the same sort. They are also building up a few living places affordable for poor people. This yojna will give possession to people who are in the EWS category which means economically weaker section. All those families that have a total income of 3 lakhs will fall in this category. They are also including LIG people with low-income group who have a salary between 3-6 lakh also come in this category.
This yojna is providing all the people in these two groups with affordable housing schemes. So let’s get into this topic and know more about it. Here are a few benefits of this act:
They will get the subsidy:
The government will use the money in their treasury to give out the subsidy to these people falling in the category of LIG or EWS. They will give out an amount ranging between 1 Lakh to 2.30 lakh. This subsidy amount henceforth can only be used for the possession of homes that fall in this category or under this scheme.
Ground Floor will be a priority:
The government also is looking into the fact that the houses are provided in the way of preferences. For an example, if there is someone who is disabled or old, they will be given the ground floor as their possession preference according to the government is the first.
It will be an eco-friendly surrounding:
The government has strictly asked the authorities to follow the eco-friendly structure. Which means the society that will be formed are instructed to be made in such a way that it would minimize the pollution hazards. They will have air-purifiers and solar plates as well. They will save and conserve energy to the most. It means the government is not just giving them possession they are providing them witha very good condition to live in.Plan my property can give you a few options that still have this facility.
Slums have to be developed:
Now providing the accommodation is not the end of the problem. Things still need to be changed as India is still the host of the largest slum in Asia. So, to make the country a better place, these slums have to be upgraded and cleaned off. So, the government is taking steps forward in doing so. This will also help them in using land as an asset.
The renovation is also needed an extension can’t be neglected:
This means that government is allowing people falling in the category of EWS and LIG to avail loans for their houses. If people want to renovate their houses they can take a loan and the same can happen if someone wants to extend their house or rebuilt it. If someone in this category wants to rebuild the house, the government is allowing them to take a loan from the government policy for this purpose. The plan my property website is also giving out options to people who are wanting to change their house and they are also providing various options to those who want affordable houses.
It is great news to all class people because there are various builders who have launched affordable housing projects in Gurugram. So, you can book your flat in any of those so that you get the possession as soon as possible. So, don’t keep waiting, just call your agent now or login to the website to get more information. If you keep thinking much the flats will sell out of your hands.