How to Sell an Eco-Friendly Home: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Sell an Eco-Friendly Home: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Sell an Eco-Friendly Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Over the past few years, consumers have shown an increased interest in acquiring sustainable homes due to the need to use environmentally sustainable resources in the construction. Most buyers want green homes as they seek to lessen their emissions or rationalialize the costs of utilities on the planet. On the plus side, this outlook is great if you are looking to sell an environmentally friendly home, so long as you are aware of the specific aspects of the property that you have to sell to the public.

On todays blog let me take you through some aspects of marketing to the environmentally smart home buyer and how to sell unquestionably green homes.

1. Learn Factors that Make Your Home an Eco-House
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Before you embark on selling your home, there are characteristics that you need to know that are green features. Purchasers will seek information regarding the manner in which a specific property is energy efficient, sustainable or green. Some common eco-friendly features include:

Solar Panels: Solar energy use is one of the best-known green attributes. Homes with solar panels give the owners ability to produce their electricity and or reduce their use of conventional electricity and therefore minimize their electricity bills.

Energy-Efficient Windows and Insulation: Whether it is cold or hot outside, double glazed windows and other quality insulation prevent the harsh conditions from penetrating thus no need to overuse the heating or air conditioning.

Energy Star Appliances: Some examples of energy-efficient products include Refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioner machines because they useful and consume less energy implying low energy bills.

Water Conservation Systems: Cutting down water usage in buildings: water-efficient appliances such as low-flow toilets, rain water harvesting system and low water-use landscaping.

Sustainable Building Materials: Instead, Speaking of ecological and soft constructions, the client can enjoy a home with bamboo floorings or recycled steel or woods.

To help you better explain all the green practices that are implemented you should make a list of all the green aspects in the house.

2. It is marketed on the financial savings that results from energy efficiency
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Probably, the most convincing reason that buyers seek green homes is the financial benefits realized down the road. Energy efficiency may also mean that the utility bills of living in the house may be lower, and this is always a sizzling factor. Make sure that you stress on possible form of energy and water bills that could be cut off coming from the green features of the home.

For example:
Solar Panels: If you do have a solar panel installed in your home, supply information on how much energy is produced by the panels as well as impact that the produced energy has on electricity bills. You could also remind the viewers the tax credits or incentives for homeowners within your locality if they install the solar systems.

Energy Efficiency Ratings: When marketing a home which has been certified by any known Energy Rating System in the market such as LEED or Energy Star ensure that you mention it. They helps give a stamp of truth to your assertions of energy efficiency plus has a way of attracting buyers who are agreeable on the issue of sustainability.

3. Target the Right Buyers
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Selling an eco friendly home therefore requires proper marketing in that people interested in green living should be targeted. It is common knowledge that a good number of customers today are interested in purchasing houses that are friendly to the environment, thus being able to market directly at such clients can help you find a quality buyer much faster.

Here are some ways to target the right audience:

  • Work with a Green Realtor: It is preferred that you hire the services of a real estate agent that has a specialty in green buildings. The latter mentioned has a list of customers seeking out LEED friendly real estate and/or these agents know how to sell green.

  • Utilize Eco-Friendly Platforms: Such online marketplaces for new homes are those of new homes that are environmentally friendly and those that are energy efficient. Company such as enable the sellers to post their environment friendly homes in an environment friendly buyers market.

  • If you choose your buyer correctly, with an emphasis on sustainability, then you have a group of clients who will be happy to pay extra for an energy economy.

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    4. Your listing should illustrate value in a way that preaches the environment by emulating its values
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    Do not just describe the location, number of rooms, or total square footage when you are writing the listing for your home. When selecting the features that are important to feature on your home make a point of always pointing to the environmental friendly aspects. Most of these features are bells and whistles and you should use your listing description to make the potential buyer understand why they are important.

    For instance, rather than stating your home uses renewable energy through solar panels, take the initiative to quantify the energy harnessed, or the money saved in electricity bills per year. If your home utilizes energy-star appliances, it is essential to explain how such appliances can save energy together with cost in the long run.

    Additionally, turn your home into an educational tool by developing a flyer or sheet that describes your green homes amenities. Post information about energy usage, possible energy saving, and backup information on such features as LEED or energy warranties. Those customers who are really interested in sustainable purchasing will welcome this level of information.

    5. Staging Your Home
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    To effectively sell your home, it is common practice to create an appealing atmosphere in the home and this is no exception when it comes to green homes. While incorporating the many sustainable attributes into the property be certain that they are both visible and innately active throughout the open houses.

    Highlight Solar Power: If you have installed solar panels to generate power point to the buyer the monitoring system that measures the amount of power generated. Ideally, one should prepare the documents to show the amount of utility bills in comparison to the cost of energy that the system uses.

    Emphasize Natural Lighting: Having manyGLAZEDwindows is another characteristic of most eco friendly houses since most of the lighting is natural. This feature should be well exposed therefore curtains should be opened and rooms should be well lit when giving showings.

    Display Energy-Efficient Appliances: If your home has Energy Star appliances then ensure that they are clean and in working condition. Make them obvious during the open houses and demonstrate advantages of having them.

    Furthermore, landscaping must conform to the environment savvy theme of the fair. Thus, if you have some native plants, the specific drought-resistant landscaping receptors, or a rainwater harvesting system, all these options must be accentuated as the features of ecological housing.

    You may also read blog - How to Sell an Eco-Friendly Home: A Comprehensive Guide

    6. The other responsibility is to assist the leaders in being clear with the costs and the maintenance of various services
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    In discussing the benefits of an ecohay homes, the buyer will however wish to know of the costs that comes with the green aspect. Do not hide information that need maintenance or servicing, for example fixing of solar panels for they generate power or replacement of filters in energy efficient appliances.

    Consumers will have confidence in while using the products and it can also ease out the challenges of handling the green systems in the home. The maintenance records of welfare of green features should include warranty information, service schedules and services conducted on the home.


    Most homeowners who are seeking to sell their homes need to adapt proper selling techniques that will see them communicate the benefits of living in an environmentally friendly home. To accomplish this, it is possible to identify the green aspect of your home, market to the suitable consumers and emphasize the benefits of financial and environmental returns in your home selling market in todays growing green real estate market. Since more and more consumers looking for houses that reflect their values of sustainability and efficiency, your green house will be a valuable property.

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